The London School of Economics (or, the LSE)
The campus is plunked down right in the middle of the city, albeit somewhat seamlessly. It seems like another little section of central London. Location-wise, if you type in "the LSE, London, UK" in google maps you can see it just north of King's College and just off of Kingsway and Aldwych (the half-moon shaped road).
If you zoom in far enough, you'll find "Ye Olde White Horse," a fabulous place for having a pint after class, or a hot whisky on a cold day. Ahhh.
There are 83 other PhD students in Derek's Department alone (Geography). Yikes! One of the best things about this is that the students are from all over the world--from New Zealand to Italy to Switzerland to Nigeria to Mexico. It's a great way to gain some new perspectives, no matter who you are! Derek has been both taking and auditing classes this semester as well as working on his own research for his particular topic.
The picture above is one of the streets on campus, which harbours the Waterstones Bookstore as well as some admin buildings. This was actually taken on our very first day in London; this was our first view of the school also.