
23 July 2011

Starting Off...Sort of!

We're beginning from the middle. Of the Cycling Honeymoon/Celebration Series, that is...we've been so exhausted at the end of the day and so busy with planning our route, grabbing extra gear, and doing laundry...not to mention sleeping and eating A LOT...we've sort of put the blog on hold. Until now!! You lucky ducks.

So today we write to you from Broken Bow, Nebraska. It is in fact our twelfth night on the road, and our plan is to, after today, do some retroactive blogging to catch you up. AND not to worry, someday we'll even get back to finishing our last few blogs from our time in London and Europe.

We started our day in North Platte with some amazing hills, which brought us down into a little town called Arnold, where we had fruit smoothies and homemade donuts at an adorable antiques shop/coffee house/farmers market called the Farmhouse. They warned us to have the camera ready on our next leg for the "canyons" we'd encounter:

This was the best view taken from the stoker's seat!

After a while things flattened out a little bit...but the whole day was really, pretty nice. We started early to try and beat the heat, which we've been doing regularly, but it still gets darn hot. These were the only clouds we saw, and they didn't do much to give us some shelter from the sun but they did make for a nice photo, matching up nicely with the tire tracks through this field:

Tonight we're camping at a city campground..which means our tent is in a small grassy area behind the Ellen B. Marchek Memorial Tennis Center. It's nice and private, but next to the train tracks...we'll hope it's not too busy!! Tomorrow we head for Burwell, and we'll try to write more from there! Ta-ta!

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